bit by bit, the earth shifted out of her way. she clawed her path, picking out grubs, slicing worms in two, and scratching away decay. there. the soil was looser at her left hand now. a few steps further and there would be a root and then real work could begin. her pinky nail scraped the outer edge. she moved the right hand back directly under her shoulder and pressed the earth to make a solid floor. the left fingers climbed over the side and top and maneuvered to wrap her entire hand around it. the position was set. one deep breath. inhale, exhale, inhale. PULL. as she yanked the root up, the air in her lungs fired quickly. seven hot breaths then she relaxed. one more time. inhale, exhale, inhale. PULL. this time only five puffs and she was on her side, right arm still balancing and anchoring the effort. the root was large, nearly the size of the cat. whoever was coming had a large need to take care of, but she would be prepared as she always was.
the long lady pulled herself out of the ground, wiped the front of her jumper and went back into the kitchen. the water had boiled down to three inches. the cat waited.
sssshe doesn’t look like sssshe’ll need all that.
yessss. sssshe.
interesting. i don’t believe we’ve ever had a she.
no. sssshould be very interessssting.
she pulled the cleaver off the wall, letting the scraping metal echo. a smirk crossed her mouth, and with peaked eyebrows she slammed the blade through the root. the halves rocked back and forth and back and forth. the right side’s center was a dense black that appeared as a horse. the left seemed like the outline of a country, but not one she had ever seen.
how long, do you think?
within the hour.
time enough.
the water hissed at the addition of the roots. the long lady climbed the stairs to change her clothes. it was going to be a special night.
My goal right now is to make Monday's post the next installment of Wonderland. Next week, I think may be a big edit day, but we'll see. Posts: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six & Seven
the long lady pulled herself out of the ground, wiped the front of her jumper and went back into the kitchen. the water had boiled down to three inches. the cat waited.
sssshe doesn’t look like sssshe’ll need all that.
yessss. sssshe.
interesting. i don’t believe we’ve ever had a she.
no. sssshould be very interessssting.
she pulled the cleaver off the wall, letting the scraping metal echo. a smirk crossed her mouth, and with peaked eyebrows she slammed the blade through the root. the halves rocked back and forth and back and forth. the right side’s center was a dense black that appeared as a horse. the left seemed like the outline of a country, but not one she had ever seen.
how long, do you think?
within the hour.
time enough.
the water hissed at the addition of the roots. the long lady climbed the stairs to change her clothes. it was going to be a special night.
My goal right now is to make Monday's post the next installment of Wonderland. Next week, I think may be a big edit day, but we'll see. Posts: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six & Seven
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