24 April 2009

the hair on your face

you seriously have to do something about your eyebrows.


they are so distracting. i'm sitting here. i'm trying to listen to what you have to say, but all i can focus on is EYEBROWS EYEBROWS EYEBROWS.

how are my eyebrows distracting? i don't even notice them.

that's obvious. those things are practically alive, and they are taking over your face. you need to get waxed.

i'm not getting waxed.

well, pluck then.

no. i'm not getting waxed or plucking or shaving. do people even shave their eyebrows?

yes, but you need to figure something out. i don't think i can hang out with you and your two friends. they are almost touching your lashes. in a week or so, you'll be able to braid them together and never blink again.


that's my point.

dude. i'm not going to ...

shut up with "i'm not going to". it's not an option. personal grooming is very important.

i know it is, but that kind of stuff is optional.

not for you it isn't. it's not like your the only one out there. man-scaping is the new thing. masculine and clean. plus you have great eyes. why hide them behind an ever growing forest of hair?

... thanks?

when was the last time you had a date?

couple of weeks ago.

how did it go?


when was the last time you slept with someone?


okay. we're going to my waxer. he's quick. relatively painless. though you're a virgin so it might not...

i'm not a

at waxing! anyway. he's great. not too expensive, and if he can't stop your brows from conquering your face, then ... i don't know. i guess the next step is prayer.

i still don't think this is a good idea. i ...


because it's not natural.

you are not a hippie.

no. but

don't be afraid. look you are well kempt with your clothes and hair and all that. you're teetering on full on metrosexual anyway; you might as well match the brows to the style, right?

i guess. will you ... go with me?

honey, i wouldn't miss it. i've never seen real magic before; this might be my only chance.

I think I'm going to go check my brows now. Thanks to KF & RI for the inspiration for this. Quick question: what gender do you think these characters are (if any)?

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